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启蒙领袖 + 教育工作者


EnlightenEd Consulting 提供av各种服务,以帮助制定、实施和维持侧重于学校和组织的公平和包容的政策、实践和资源。  可以亲自和远程提供培训和咨询。

Join us in our mission to reshape the future of learning with passion, expertise, and genuine connection.

Our interactive and cooperative sessions build vital skills and a strong sense of community. Your team will leave feeling confident and equipped to apply practical strategies immediately. Join us on this transformative journey of growth and watch your team soar!


Learning how to teach the content is easy, but communicating and connecting with others in a way that makes them listen and learn is the real challenge. Together, let's ensure that the next generation inherits a world transformed by the power of real education.

Contact us TODAY for a free consultation!

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